
Från och med 1 april 2013 antog IPSF sig World Anti-Doping Code och började ett utbildningsprogram för nationella förbund, idrottare, tränare och godkänts tävlingsarrangörer att göra det möjligt för Pole Sports att vara en drogfri miljö.
Från och med 1 augusti 2013 genomförde IPSF en fullständig anti-doping program för alla idrottare som tävlar i nationella och internationella tävlingar ackrediterade av IPSF. Detta innebär att testning kan inträffa när som helst, inte bara under tidsramen för en tävling. Testning under tävling inleddes i juli 2014 vid WPSC.


Vad är World Anti-Doping Code?
World Anti-Doping Code (WADA) är det dokument som innehåller regler om anti-doping inom idrotten i alla idrotter och alla länder i världen. Koden ger en ram för doping politik, regler och föreskrifter för idrottsorganisationer och myndigheter.

Vad betyder det för dig?
Som en idrottsman eller en tränare, kommer du att få massor av information, råd och vägledning om hur du kontrollerar att du förblir 100% fri från förbjudna ämnen vid alla tillfällen. Ett av de största problemen som idrottare i andra sporter har funnit är att hälsotillskott ska kunna undvikas.
Som en godkänd tävlingsarrangör måste vi anta oss WADA Code för att kunna ackrediteras som en IPSF tävling. Vi kommer att arbeta på en Anti-Doping utveckling och erbjuda stöd till alla idrottare, tränare och entusiaster.
IPSF stadgar & regler kring anti-doping finns att hitta på deras hemsida, men om du vill veta mer kontakta

När kommer antidopnings test ske?
Test under tävlingsarrangemang började på World Pole Sport VM 2014 och fortsätter årligen . Utanför tävling kommer att påbörjas under 2018.

Mer information kan läsas på engelska nedan.

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) har upprättat en dopinglista som gäller från 1 januari, 2017. Dopinglistan utgör en internationell standard i "The World Anti-doping Code".

RF är Sveriges Nationella Antidopingorganisation. Det som i världsantidopingkoden benämns som NADO. De svenska dopingreglerna och antidopingarbetet styrs av de globala reglerna i ”The World Anti-Doping Code”

How will it take place?
Notification of selection for a doping test
The person notifying the athlete will show ID.
The athlete will also have to show ID.

Reporting for testing to the Doping Control Station
The athlete needs to report immediately for testing, unless they request a delay (more on this later).
The athlete will be chaperoned at all times.

Selecting a collection vessel
There will be a minimum of 3 kits to choose from.
Unless there is a reason, e.g. disability, the athlete will be the only person to handle the testing equipment.

Providing the sample under supervision
Athletes will be directly observed.
The sample must be a minimum of 90mls (if not, additional samples may be required).

Selecting the sampling kit
There will be a minimum of 2 kits to choose from.
Dividing and sealing the sample
B bottle first, then A, then B if there is any of the sample left.
The athlete will seal the sample.

Testing the suitability of the sample
The sample's concentration will be tested to make sure it is suitable for analysis.
Recording and certifying the information
The athlete will complete the Doping Control Form (DCF) and sign to verify it is their sample. They will be given a copy.
The athlete must also record anything they have taken in the last 7 days including medications and supplements.

Athletes have the right:
To see DCP identification.
To be accompanied by a representative.
To a DCO of the same gender.
To comment on the testing procedures.
To receive a copy of the DCF.
Confidentiality at the laboratory.
To request a delay in reporting to DCS.

What responsibilities does an athlete have during testing?
Remain within direct observation of the person who is chaperoning them.
Produce photographic identification when asked (or find someone to verify who they are).
Comply with the testing procedures.
Report immediately for a test, unless they request a delay for a permitted reason.
Reasons why an athlete can request a delay to the Doping Control Station are shown below. All requests are at the discretion of the person chaperoning the athlete and the decision will be based on whether the athlete can be effectively chaperoned at all times.
Participate in a victory ceremony.
Fulfil media commitments.
Compete in further competitions.
Perform a warm down.
Complete a training session*
Obtain necessary medical treatment*
Locate a representative and/or interpreter*
Obtain photo identification*
Any other exceptional circumstances which may be justified, and which shall be documented*
For out of competition testing, the * reasons apply only.
If an athlete has been found to have committed an Anti-Doping violation then they will be notified in writing.

They will be given advice as to what to do next, their rights and the time frames in which they need to respond. At this point it is likely that the athlete will be suspended from their sport.
An important aspect of anti-doping is athletes' rights and all athletes have the right to an independent hearing.

Most cases are heard by the National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP) where the national Anti-Doping association will typically present the case against the athlete (the prosecution equivalent) and the athlete has the chance to defend themselves with help if they chose to be represented. In a few sports, cases are managed by the National Governing Body.
The athlete will also have the opportunity to present their case or be represented by someone to do this for them.

All evidence is considered by the panel who will deliberate prior to making a decision and confirming what sanction if any is to be applied.
The athlete then has a right of appeal and may choose to do so within the time frames allowed. After this point, both the national Anti-Doping association and athletes have the right to a further appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

You have no doubt heard that athletes receive a ban from their sport for a period of time. This can span from a few months to life ban, depending on the severity of the rule violation and evidence put forward.
What does a ban from sport actually mean?
Athletes are not allowed to:
compete in any NGB/IPSF competitions.
train in an IPSF/NGB approved centre e.g. affiliated club, funded gym, funded facility.
receive any sports related funding.
Any previous medals, titles, and records will also be removed.
Athletes are entitled to receive anti-doping education and may be able to still receive sport funded medical treatment.
Most athletes have a deep passion for their sport and dedicate a significant amount of time to it. Having this removed can be difficult for athletes and should be a strong deterrent.
Not only do athletes face a ban from their sport for a period of time they also face many wider consequences.